Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Law School Rankings

The latest Law School rankings are out and you don't have to be a genius to figure it out. On that note, it was Yale who took the leading spot yet again, followed closely by Harvard in 2nd, and Standford in third. Other that Stanford all the previous top ten Law Schools remained in the same position as last year. The law schools run like clockwork, if you seen the top ten listings this year, your most likely wont have any need to look next year as they almost always remain the same. However simply being in the top 10 one year does not guarantee that they will be there next year. The Law Schools rankings are determined by a number of factors such as quality assessments by peer institutions, judges and attorneys; selectivity; employment and bar passage rates; and faculty resources. Clearly to be on this list the Law School must be top notch, but does it really matter if you go to the first ranked school as opposed to the second ranked? Well it all depends on your perspective and what you are wanting to gain, graduating from the #1 spot may gain you a position at a top Law firm, but Without the proper grades the position will not last long. One could graduate from a Low Ranking Law School with top grades and reach a higher position the a Yale Graduate, it all depends on how bad you really want it.

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